Inner Plane Transmissions

Whispers of the Soul

May 07, 2024


The past few months have brought an intense energy + eclipses, resonating deeply within us and triggering our instinctual patterns of survival, whether we're aware of it or not. Each of our unique experiences shapes the way we perceive and react to this energy, influencing how it manifests within us- and how it impacts our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

From my understanding & an astrological perspective, we are realigning with our personal destinies, or in other words, we are on a journey back to our AUTHENTIC SELVES.

And in this journey, it's going to reveal the obstacles & belief systems that have been playing out, in the known and subconscious that have been influencing us. It will expose hidden fears and aspects of ourselves that keep us disconnected from our true Essence.  From individual threads, into deep-seated triggers, it's shining a light on what is no longer sustainable, and where it's been playing out in our lives, revealing its presence in various aspects of our lives. It will highlight the parts where we may have been "trying" to make things work, but upon honest reflection, realize they haven't, or are no longer effective & now drains more energy than it conserves.  

Old Survival Patterns

 These energy shifts we're feeling are deeply personal yet also connected to the larger world, weaving into our daily lives and contributing to a shared experience. For many generations, we have primarily operated from the physical and mental domains, and persisting in this manner is not viable for us on both personal and collective levels. At the core of survival, there's a complex layering- in certain moments, our spirit had to either withdraw or disconnect entirely for us to survive. This strategy may have been needed at times, but chronically, it has perpetuated a deep-seated feeling of isolation, fostering a sense of having to navigate life's challenges alone/by the self. Such a disconnection fragments the intricate web of communication within our whole being.

 This dynamic is profound, altering how we see ourselves and interact with the world, similar to being left alone by a close friend in a difficult time. This can deeply shake our self-trust and confidence, making us doubt our intuition and decision-making abilities. This sense of abandonment can disconnect us from our core, as if breaking a crucial internal link and hindering our inner communication. This might lead to feelings of emptiness or a constant search for external fulfillment. Yet, it's essential to understand that this challenging process can also foster significant growth and transformation.

The feeling of this disconnect, while challenging, can serve as a catalyst for a deeper exploration of our inner landscape. It invites us to cultivate & rebuild the relationship to & with our spirit; to understand its reasons for withdrawal, and to create a stronger, more resilient connection with our essence.


  As we move towards more of ourself, it creates changes- and that doesn't always show up in the way we planned, or thought it should.  Navigating these changes can feel scary. 

Honoring this process isn't always easy, but honestly... it's necessary. 

The spirit is a part of us and yet beyond. This is the challenge and the beauty of the unknown.  It's leading us beyond what we've known.  And when it's difficult and downright can feel so fucking raw... it's hard in the moment to understand the point of it all- especially when we're in the thick of it.  We don't see the face mask when we're face down in the mud. 

Yet in retrospect, often the parts of the puzzle begin to click... all the multifaceted pieces of the tapestry that were playing out, reveal itself.  Our life unfolding, beckoning us to shift from the old paradigm of operating from the fear in all things... into just even a little deeper trustthat our systems have the wisdom & ability to guide us into and through the unknown.  It is the process, and THE ONLY WAY IS THROUGH.

Our Spirit is always leading us towards more. 

Our spirit is the part of our inner wisdom that summons us towards more... there will always be more.  It is the Essence of our Soul's blueprint, encompassing all that we are.  This essence turns the mundane and every day routines into rituals.  Our soul's vastness gently pushes us towards our destiny, frequently in unexpected ways that challenge our initial ideas of our path.  It sows the seeds of possibility, envisioning a future that transcends our current reality, guiding us beyond our present circumstances, guiding us toward a continually unfolding manifestation of our authentic selves.  The spirit seeks to immerse in the richness of our human experience, illuminating & shedding light on both the profound depths and boundless expansiveness within us.

 Spiritual bypassing

The Essence of our entirety is within the Spirit , yet it's not designed to lead or operate in isolation. Relying solely on the spirit can result in spiritual bypassing, where we overlook or dismiss the aspects of our humanity that need acknowledgment and processing to align with the spirit's truth.   

This path towards integrating our spirit involves more than just mending the feelings of disconnect; it's about acknowledging our vulnerabilities, understanding the ways we've adapted to survive, and ultimately, cultivating a deeper, more harmonious connection with our innermost selves.  It invites us to strive for inner balance and coherence, to listen more intently to the whispers of our soul, and to honor the wisdom and strength that lies in the very heart of our being.

Shifting from external push to internal pull, the wisdom within

We are transitioning from being driven by external forces and efforts, which predominantly engage our physical and mental capacities, towards tuning into the subtle, internal cues of our soul and inner essence. This shift involves a movement that is initiated by an inward pull, leading us towards realms beyond our current understanding or experiences.

This change signifies a new way of navigating our journey. We move away from the reliance on the visible and tangible, turning instead to the subtle yet profound guidance that comes from within. The whispers of our soul, often drowned out by the external clamor, now guide our path with a gentle but insistent pull towards what truly resonates, even when it's not immediately clear or understandable.

Embracing this internal guidance demands faith and a willingness to venture into the unknown, letting go of our need for certainty and control. It's an active embrace of life's mysteries, an open invitation to delve into our inner depths and the infinite possibilities that await. This journey is not about passive submission but about actively engaging with the unknown, trusting in our inner wisdom, and welcoming the potential that lies in unexplored territories.

When a caterpillar believes its existence has reached its end, it undergoes a profound transformation, dissolving into a formless state.  From this, it emerges a butterfly, embodying a more complete expression of itself.  Although it is transformed, it retains all the elements of its journey, an expression of this innate beautiful evolution.

However these changes are/have been showing up for you personally, you also have a deep innate wisdom within, guiding you towards a more full expression of yourself.  And this is something that never ends.  There will always be more. 

Within you are worlds waiting to be discovered...

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