Ancestral Reverence

Every Lineage carries specific Energy signatures, & within- the continuation of a lineage lies the gift of preservation.   A continuation of something that has come before.  This may include patterns, coding, knowledge, stories, history, practices, communications, skills, belief systems, survival systems, and so much more that are passed down through generations.

The question is- What is it that is being preserved & continuing?

Research is beginning to understand more how our bodies carry and store trauma, & generational trauma, also known as intergenerational trauma, refers to the psychological, emotional, and even physical effects that can be passed down from one generation to the next.  It suggests that trauma experienced by previous generations can influence the well-being, behaviors, and mental health of subsequent generations.   While these old survival codes were once necessary for our ancestors or own well-being, they now act as obstacles and limitations as we strive for personal growth and transformation.

 The way I like to explain this is that the traumas in the lineage act as distortions on the whole Energy signature.  This in turn, affects the coding within you (aka Light Codes) like the game of "telephone" where by the time the original message gets to you, it is completely skewed. 

  Ancestral reverence is reaching through time and space connecting to the wisdom within us & before us, teaching us how to move in harmony with the rhythms & cycles of life, allowing us the ability of transforming pains of the past into hopes of the future.  Your True Essence creates limitless portals that reharmonizes & repairs the Energy Signature of your family lineages and beyond. When you tap into the wonder of yourself, it contributes to the healing of the world.  It's not something you have to change or become, rather this potent magick lies within the authenticity of your being YOU!

The Energy Behind Your life

Energy frequencies are the language of the Universe & EVERYTHING carries energy behind it. 

Your life is a matrix of life force energy with countless interconnected strands, each emitting its own unique frequency.  Even the smallest alteration in one part of this intricate code or frequency can lead to a completely different outcome. The variations, tones, wavelengths, and combinations are truly limitless. 

When energy is fragmented, it can only emit signals from its fragmented state. These fractures occur when there is trauma, which is any separation from your whole self that distorts the energy and communication pathways. Trauma is not limited to significant events; it can also occur in everyday life. These seemingly small moments often go unnoticed or brushed aside as you carry on with your daily routine.   However, they build up over time, often subconsciously, as coping mechanisms from past experiences & become significant energy entanglements within your system. On top of that, add in the ancestral, intergenerational traumas & distortions that continue to impact your present day to day in all realms and affect the energy behind your life, it can all be extremely overwhelming.

When we become disconnected from our inner truth and guidance, we also become disconnected from everything else.  Unfortunately throughout generations, cultivating and honoring the profound inner wisdom that exists within every being has largely been forgotten, the Essence of our lineages left operating from a fractured place, leading to a growing disconnection between our inner selves and in turn, the external world. 

Our separation from ourselves creates a ripple effect that extends to our relationships, our environment, and the world as a whole.  This disconnection is evident in the overflowing landfills, pollution on land & in the oceans, and the destruction & disregard for not only human life but all forms of life.

The key is not to strive for uniformity or conformity, but rather to recognize and honor the inherent wisdom that exists within all things. It's about embracing the concept of an ecosystem, where everything is interconnected and each element plays a vital role. By acknowledging and respecting our interconnectedness, we can cultivate a greater sense of harmony and balance in our lives and in the world around us.

The beautyfull thing is...


Rather you are in a constant state of alchemy. Alchemy is the transformative process that encompasses ALL aspects of your being. Every part of your human experience, including the wounded and fractured pieces, holds the potential for transformation and the exploration of new ideas. Your mind, body, emotions, and spirit are interconnected, and they weave together your inner and outer worlds. Within you lies innate wisdom and a direct connection to the Essence of who you are.

As a multidimensional being, your experiences are interwoven with the fabric of the Universe, creating sacred alchemies through cycles and rhythms. This inherent wisdom guides you to walk a path that  resonates with your heart, allowing your authentic self to continuously awaken & emerge.

Your Soul Essence, intertwined with your humanity, holds this timeless wisdom. Your true nature is intimately connected to this inner knowing of boundless truth, love & the limitless ways life expresses itself through you. 

Just as your ancestry carries traumas, it also carries deep gifts meant to flow through you (your BEing +your frequency) co-generating a whole new medicine.

When you align your energy, you align to the life in all things.


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