authentically through the magick of being human

It’s not about changing yourself, rather it’s returning to the natural state of who you are.  Within you are multiverses waiting to be explored.

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 The Separation Paradigm

We've been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for who we are or meant to become, and led to strive for a standard that's based on an unattainable ideal of perfection, constantly chasing and endless quest for something that always seems just out of reach.

Our understanding has often been framed around the belief that life unfolds in a straight line, adhering to a predefined, "cookie cutter" template. This narrow interpretation forces life into a binary of opposites, overlooking the boundless possibilities and the rich spectrum that lies between these extremes, separating us from the vastness of ourselves.

Yet the energy that exists between polar opposites is not merely a void but a vibrational space filled with potential and possibility.   Alchemy is the transformative process that encompasses ALL aspects of your being, nothing added or taken away.  This alchemy embodies the union and interplay of opposites, enveloping every facet of existence with a magic that acknowledges and weaves together the entire spectrum of life.

Everything in existence holds a purpose, and every moment of your life, including all that has transpired before, holds intrinsic value, guiding us toward a collective realization of our interconnectedness.   It is in this dynamic interplay, this alchemy between the world and the cosmos, that the essence of being human truly emerges.

We are recalibrating to the fullness of our being as a source we run to- not from.

Just as the seed carries the blueprint of the whole, who you are is always unfolding..

From the moment you arrive on this earth, the magic of your entire being is present in all aspects of life; an alchemy where the spirit and body converge.  You are imbued with a magic that permeates every aspect of life, an innate wisdom that recognizes and integrates the full spectrum of existence, from stark contrasts to the most subtle nuances that lie between, simply by existing. 

This energy, this magical in-between, is where the richness of life is most palpable, as you are in a constant state of alchemy. Every part of your human experiences, including the wounded and fractured pieces, holds the potential for transformation.  It is a realm of transformation and creation, where the seemingly opposing forces of the universe meet and merge, giving birth to new ideas, new forms, and new ways of being. Where each perceived endpoint of yourself actually acts a portal or gateway to further expansion.

 It is here, in the dance between light and dark, silence and sound, movement and stillness, as a multidimensional being, that guides you to walk a path that resonates with the truth of who you are, allowing your authentic self to continuously awaken & emerge, interwoven with the universe at large.

Current Offerings
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 Inner Truth Guide, Seer & Ancestral Medicine Wombyn, 

Read my story  ➝

My philosophy is, the more you know about yourself- the more you can live in a way that is truly aligned for YOU.

  As a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient channel, I work with the energetic aspects that contribute to the wounds and separations from your authentic self. These imprints can come from fractures in your lineages and personal experiences. I work with your energy as a co-creation, alchemizing the woundings into wisdom, so you can live in the present as the LOVE YOU  truly ARE & express your truths in infinite ways. I also teach you how to play in the Cosmic realms in the expressions of humanity, so your own rhythms & innate channels of healing can flow within the depths of all your experiences.

During my sessions, I tune into the energetic micro-chords (like the threads interwoven into a tapestry) where the fractured messages from outdated survival & coping mechanisms are playing out. Here we realign the energy to your Soul Essence blueprint, so the multiverses of your being can flow in coherence (the alchemy of physical with nonphysical), opening the gifts from your Ancestral & star lineages within.   It brings me great joy to assist in unlocking & deepening the magic inside and the limitless ways it's meant to flow through you.

 It's not about changing yourself, rather it's returning to the natural state of who you are.  My offerings will help you make the mind, body, emotion & soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself.

Life is an unfolding journey back to the remembrance of Wholeness & Love you are. This journey involves the alchemical merging of our human experience with our spiritual Essence, which is intricately connected to our deep Inner Knowing. As we navigate our human existence, we embody the vastness of the Cosmos itself. 

Within you resides a unique Soul Signature Essence that can only be expressed through your authentic self. This Essence is a precious gift that you bring to the world. The more you delve into self-discovery and gain knowledge about who you truly are, the more you can live a life that is in alignment with your true nature. 

There are innate rhythms of wisdom within the connection of body, mind, emotions & spirit. Within the depths of your life experiences and the wounds you have endured, lies the potential for profound healing and transformation. These experiences also carry the seeds of your own unique gifts, medicine, and magick.

Ancestral Reverence

Every Lineage carries specific Energy signatures, & within- the continuation of a lineage lies the gift of preservation.   A continuation of something that has come before.  This may include patterns, coding, knowledge, stories, history, practices, communications, skills, belief systems, survival systems, and so much more that are passed down through generations.

The question is- What is being preserved & continuing? What is the energy behind it? 


Dive Deeper Here

You've felt it stirring, something deep inside summoning... 


The journey inside

 Realigning to your True Essence & most authentic self  

Stepping away from the pressure of perfection, & meeting yourself in ways beyond what you've known, yet are inside of you. 

A pull towards reconnecting or deepening to your own natural rhythms and cycles

Dismantling the bullshit & barriers keeping you separate from  the multi-facets of your being

A desire for bridging the gap between the wounds within your experiences and lineage to meet the wisdoms & gifts within 




The natural state of you being YOU, is the greatest gift to yourself, others and the Universe.

 if you're ready...

Meet me on the inside


Jenn has a very genuine and grounding presence. Each session is unique and deep in unexpected ways & she is able to ride the wave with you while holding space with compassion and understanding.  

My work with Jenn has unlocked patterns/beliefs/issues for me that had had limiting and painful effects on my life & I have gained clarity and healing in areas where I have often felt hopeless. 

It's really amazing how she can tap into your energetic anatomy and communicate with your body. I really recommend experiencing it for yourself as it is hard to describe in words the magic that can happen in sessions"

- Joslyn Strickland 
Marriage & Family Therapist


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Resources for every stage of self-discovery.

Online Courses 

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Human Medicine App: The Journey Through

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Working 1:1

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